Homelessness is a Housing Problem

Homelessness is a Housing Problem

Gregg Colburn, associate professor at the University of Washington and co-author of the book Homelessness is a Housing Problem: How Structural Factors Explain U.S. Patterns, will discuss conventional beliefs about what drives homelessness—including mental illness, drug use, poverty, weather, generosity of public assistance, and low-income mobility—and why none of those fully explain the root cause: housing market conditions. Colburn will outline the types of policies that can best help cities like Santa Fe address this issue. Reception immediately to follow lecture.

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Why is Affordable Housing in Such Short Supply?: The Role of Neighborhood Defenders

Why is Affordable Housing in Such Short Supply?: The Role of Neighborhood Defenders

Katherine Levine Einstein, Associate Professor of Political Science at Boston University and Associate Director at the Initiative on Cities, will discuss how cities derive neighborhood input on new housing projects and how that currently shapes the way our cities grow (or don't). She will share why neighborhood defenders--motivated residents who most often participate in local housing politics--can often contribute to higher housing costs, and the types of reforms that could lead to more representative participation. Reception to immediately follow lecture.

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Are We Stuccoed in Time?

Are We Stuccoed in Time?

Chris Wilson, the J. B. Jackson Chair of Cultural Landscape Studies, Emeritus, and founding director of the Historic Preservation and Regionalism Program at the University of New Mexico, will discuss how Santa Fe developed its unique regional identity and trademark architectural style, and the benefits and consequences. He will share his perspectives on how Santa Fe can preserve its history and culture amidst continued growth in a way that also maintains and builds community. Reception immediately to follow lecture.

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Visualizing Density: Designing Santa Fe's Future

Visualizing Density: Designing Santa Fe's Future

Urban designer, editor, and author Julie Campoli will discuss the impact of density on affordable housing, sustainability, and connectivity. Using real examples from Santa Fe and across the country, Campoli will outline how neighborhoods of similar density can either be loved or hated depending on their design. She will offer key insights and suggestions for building the neighborhoods that will serve Santa Fe best in the future. Reception immediately to follow lecture.

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